Invasive Tick Diseases Are on the Rise

Invasive Tick Diseases Are on the Rise

Invasive Tick Diseases Are on the Rise With another dreaded tick season in our midst, we must be aware of the invasive tick diseases that come with it. Experts warn that every new tick season will be worse than the previous one. It may sound over-dramatic, but there...
Tick Infestation: Get Rid of These Bloodsucking Pests

Tick Infestation: Get Rid of These Bloodsucking Pests

Tick Infestation: How to Get Rid of These Bloodsucking Pests A tick is a wingless bloodsucking acarid arachnid that attaches itself to warm-blooded vertebrates for feeding. Ticks feed on the blood of their hosts, including wild and domestic animals as well as human...
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