The Buzz about Bees in NYC
While bees play a significant role as pollinators in the environment, we still don’t want them around our family members. Bee stings have often caused many people to rush to the hospital emergency.
But, to get rid of these stinging pests, it is essential to know precisely which type of bees you are dealing with. Although there are around 4,000 different types of bees in America, we shall be discussing some of the more commonly found bees in NYC.
Bees in NYC: The Various Types

Honeybees are golden brown in color, and they have black abdominal stripes. They are not aggressive in nature. They attack only if you try to threaten their colony. If by chance, a honeybee stings you, it can do so only once. Their territories can be vast, so the honeybees nest removal is best left to a pest control professional.
Bumblebees are a little larger than honeybees and have a black body covered with dense yellow and black hair. Bumblebees get their name from the noise that they make when they enter a flower. They live in large colonies. So, do bumble bees sting? Yes, but only if their nest is disturbed.
Carpenter Bees

Carpenter Bee
Carpenter bees have a black body with thick yellow and black hair on their head and thorax. These bees are solitary insects and do not build nests. But they have a bad reputation as they make holes in wood to lay eggs and can cause serious damage to your homes if they are not eliminated.
The only one that will sting is the female carpenter bee but the male carpenter bee doesn’t have this ability and is most often found boring into your NYC building wall outside…or inside. However, you don’t usually have to worry about either of them stinging you as they generally will not do this unless provoked.
Although you may hear buzzing from other types of bees, the ones you hear inside your home are often carpenter bees home. This is also because the bumblebee is not often found indoors. It is the carpenter bee that will come inside during the colder weather.
You will find holes in wood since this is where the carpenter bee goes to build their nests. It isn’t very big, just about a half an inch big. If you’re noticing these holes in the wood around your property, there is a good chance that you have carpenter bees. You may also notice sawdust lying around; this is another indicator. The holes they make in the wood can ruin your outdoor furnishings.
Killer Bees
Killer bees are about half-an-inch long and look a lot like honeybees. Though they are named killer bees, their venom is not very strong. However, these bees tend to attack in large numbers, which can be dangerous, especially to those who are allergic to stings.
Paper Wasps

The Paper Wasp is brownish in color with yellow or reddish marking. Their nests, which are umbrella-like in shape, are found hanging from twigs and branches of trees and shrubs.
Their nests can also be found hanging from porch ceilings, door frames, deck floor joints, and railings. Though typically not very aggressive, you will evidently get stung if you touch their nest.
Baldfaced Hornets
Mostly black, with a white face, these hornets are considered a beneficial insect because they control many pest insect species. They build their nests on trees, utility poles, overhangs or other structures.
Mud Daubers

Mud Dauber
These wasps are long and slender and usually black in color. They are solitary wasps, and they typically do not live in colonies. They construct tube-like nests made of mud. They are beneficial insects as they control spiders. But if their nest is near a structure, it needs to be removed.

Yellow Jacket
Yellowjackets are less than an inch in size and have a yellow and black color pattern. Their nests are made of paper carton, which can grow to the size of a basketball. Yellowjackets do not sting unless their nests are threatened. However, one must be careful if their nest is located near a structure.
Act Quickly
It is always better to remove a wasp’s nest as soon as possible. When the nest is small, and only a few wasps are present, it is easier to knock it down. However, when the nest gets too big, it is always advisable to get professional help.
Wasps are aggressive when threatened and can sting multiple times. So, in case you come across a wasp nest, call the experts at Control Exterminating. Not only will they locate the nests and beehives, but they will also remove them for good, safely and efficiently.***
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