Mosquito Bites vs. Bed Bug Bites: 

What You Need to Know About the Bloodsuckers’ Bites


Their bites look very similar, but there are some differences. 

Mosquito and bed bug bites are very similar, that’s why it’s important to be able to identify the source. Thankfully there are some telltale signs that can help us differentiate the two. From bite patterns to bite location, this article covers the main characteristics that tell bed bug and mosquito bites apart.


Mosquito Bites


Mosquito bites are usually more itchy and bumpy than bed bug bites. They can cause redness, soreness, and swelling. They can appear all over the body including the face, arms, legs, feet and hands. 

Other than the the itch and the redness, they can also pose a thread to our health. Mosquitoes are known to transmit diseases such as Dengue and Zika; and are also able to infect with the West Nile Virus. Other types of health issue and infections transmitted by mosquitoes are encephalitis (a type of brain infection), malaria, and yellow fever.


Bed Bug Bites


The symptoms that most people face when they’re bitten by a bed bug are you are itchiness, soreness, and irritation. Bed bug bites can be found in different places of the body like neck, face, hands, shoulders, arms, and legs. It usually depends on the area of the body that they have access to while we’re asleep.

Some people experience more severe reactions like difficulty breathing, blisters, fever, nausea, flu-like symptoms, irregular heartbeat, and swollen tongue.



“There are certain parasites and virus that can enter your skin while a mosquito bites you. These bites can cause severe damage to your health.”


Control Exterminating



Difference Between Mosquito Bites and Bed Bug Bites

As mentioned above these bites are similar. They are both bumpy, reddish and itchy. However, bed bugs tend to feed in a pattern and mosquitoes don’t. Here are a few details that will help you understand the difference.


Bed Bug Bites: What Do They Look Like?

  • Reddish in color and has a dark spot in the center.
  • Symptoms of these bites only occur some time after the bite and not instantly.
  • First they swell and after some time they start to itch.
  • They could get infected when scratched.
  • The bite has a straight line pattern or they appear in cluster.

bed bug bites on a human's back

Bed Bug Bites. Own work. By James Heilman, MD [CC BY-SA 3.0]


Mosquito Bites: What Do They Look Like?

  • Pinkish or reddish in color.
  • Not only the bitten area but its surroundings can be itchy
  • Tend to get infected when scratched.
  • Mosquito bites don’t have a pattern, the bites appear in random places.

mosquito bites on human's arm

Mosquito Bites

How to Treat the Bites Naturally

There are certain things you can do after being bitten by mosquitoes or bed bugs. They are not too dangerous but to avoid having severe symptoms, try to cure it before they get out of hand.


DIY Mosquito Bite Treatment

  • Use a menthol flavor toothpaste over the bitten are to get rid of the itch.
  • Apply honey as it is a natural antibiotic.
  • Rub the fleshy side of the banana peel on the bitten area, and the natural oils will help to fade the itch.
  • Rubbing ice is another good idea.
  • Some other things which can be used over the bitten area to stop the irritation are Vapour Rub and Aloe Vera.

DIY Bed Bug Bite Treatment

  • The bitten area must be washed first with soapy water to prevent any infection. It will reduce the itchiness too.
  • If the bite itches more, you can apply a corticosteroid cream to the area. You can get the cream from any local medicine store.


The bites from both insects can be harmful at times, so you need to be careful and don’t forget to follow the tips provided here or consult a doctor if you feel uneasy or there are allergic reactions.

So make sure you don’t delay when you notice such bites on your body. If the pain increases or bite gets severe, immediately visit a doctor and take medications or treatment as prescribed.

If you have a mosquito or bed bug infestation that you can’t handle, don’t wait to call us at Control Exterminating. We offer an effective mosquito control and a bed bug exterminator to completely get rid of the pesky critters. ***


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