Termites: Pests or Saviors of the Environment?
What are the first thoughts that come to your mind when you see termites? Is it pests or vermin? Well, think again. According to the researchers at Princeton University termites are saviors, as termites role in the environment is quite significant.
So, while termites may be a menace if they infest your house, termites role in the world’s ecosystem is significantly important. In fact, only a few of the 3000 known termite species can be considered pests. Be it deserts of Africa, tropical rainforests, temperate woodlands or even your neighborhood garden; they play a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem.
Why Are Termites Important to the Environment
- Termites help prevent desertification of land
Rain is able to seep through the holes dug into the ground by the termites rather than just evaporate. In fact, termite mounds allow the plants around them to thrive on a small percentage of rain that would typically be needed for any vegetation to survive. This allows the plants surrounding termite mounds to germinate and flourish after a withering drought.
Even termite feces are good for the soil. Its stickiness helps prevent soil erosion. The bacteria in the gut of termites help extract nitrogen from the air and provide this excellent fertilizer to the soil. This tiny vermin mix organic and inorganic matter to help the soil retain its nutrients.
- Termites improve the quality of the soil
Termites play a significant role in our forests as well. They extract the cellulose present in the wood for food and provide a number of essential substances to improve the soil quality in the forest. Thanks to the symbiotic bacteria and protozoa present in their bodies, termites can eat wood, dung, lichen and even dirt. So, not only do they prevent overcrowding of trees in the forest, but they also provide the correct environment for new life to flourish. The tunnels created by them create waterways that help new plants to grow.
- Nourishment for other animals
Termites are also an essential part of the food chain. Birds, chimpanzees and even ants are known to feed on termites. Being high in protein and fats, they are a good source of nutrition.

Flying termites
Termite Infestation
Termites are important for the environment but are still a problem in the home. This does not mean that we allow termites to take over our homes, and therefore termite removal remains essential. After all the sandy soil and high moisture levels make our homes the perfect environment for these pests – making pest control NYC very crucial.
Of course, not, there are some proactive steps that we can take to prevent termite infestation in our homes.
- It is essential to remove any old rotting stumps and roots in your yard.
- Always store firewood at least 20 feet away from the house.
- Also, try and eliminate wood-to-ground contact of your foundation. Damp wood can be one of the biggest cause of termite infestation in our homes.
- Keep a constant check on your wooden floors and doors for infestation.
Termites have a role in the environment, not in your house.
However, if in spite of all these efforts, these pesky pests do infest your home you need to control your termite infestation. This should be done in an environmentally friendly manner, using treatments that are effective and non-hazardous to your family and pets.
Termite Control
In NYC Control Exterminating is the one-stop answer to all your pest control worries. Not only do they eradicate termites from your home in the most efficient manner, but they also do it in the most environmentally friendly way.
However, the next time you see a termite mound on your playground, don’t call the pest control immediately. If these tiny vermin are not destroying any public property, you may let them be. After all these tiny termites are actually working hard to maintain the ecosystem of your area.
For more termite facts, check out this article on how to tell if you have termites.***
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