Meet These 8 Most Common House Bugs in NYC

Many people call New York City home. Unfortunately, so do a lot of common house bugs as well. Therefore, it’s essential for you to be aware of all the types of common bugs in NYC.

Know the signs of an infestation, and risks posed by these pests. It is important to have the proper information to stay on top of any pest infestation.

#1. Ants

Ants are probably one of the most common house bugs in the United States, not just New York City. Nesting in lawns, under stumps, and beneath foundations. 

Ants come inside seeking water and greasy or sweet foods. They will remain there if you keep providing them with the optimal conditions.

ants in the mound


While ants are a major nuisance, they don’t cause much damage other than the risk of contaminating your food. Some ants, such as carpenter ants, do cause structural damage though. So it’s important to know the difference between different types of ants to minimize your risk.

#2. Termites

Termites don’t cause disease, but are scary for a different reason; they can cause severe structural damage. Termites are often confused with flying ants, but unlike ants, termites will chew through the wood as their food source in your house without you even realizing it; until it’s too late.



#3. Cockroaches

Cockroaches can be up to half an inch in length and possess two antennae with six legs. These widespread house bugs can be found where food has been left out. They can spread disease, food poisoning, dysentery, and even cause diarrhea.


Some people are particularly susceptible to cockroaches and can suffer from allergic reactions or even asthma attacks.

Control Exterminating Company


german cockroach


You can use store bought bait to get rid of cockroaches on your own. But it’s often advisable to contact a pest control professional to take care of the infestation for you. 

Try to declutter as much as you can because clutter attracts roaches. Keep your home clean and tidy. Also, properly sanitize to avoid an infestation.

#4. Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, flat, and oval-shaped. They are small crawlers and spread very fast and easily. Most people carry bed bugs home without even realizing it, giving these hitchhikers a free pass to their beds.

adult bed bug on the carpet

Adult Bed Bug

They are frequently transmitted by travelers, hiding in hotel rooms, airplane seats, and even seats at the movie theater. Bed bugs feed upon your blood at night and are particularly tough to get rid of once they have infested your home.

Once they’ve infested a home, they come out at night to feed on us. They usually leave red bite mark in a straight line. 

To get rid of bed bugs it’s often necessary to hire a pest control professional, as their eggs can survive under some of the most challenging conditions. 

Fun Note: Throwing out your mattress and bedding will not solve your bed bug infestation 🙂

#5. Fleas

Fleas are often found on pets and can spell disaster as they can transmit parasites, such as tapeworms. They can jump long distances, and feed upon dogs, cats, and even people. They are often found on rodents as well, making them common in the household.

flea under a microscope


#6. Water Bugs

Water bugs are easily confused with cockroaches. Giant water bugs spend most of their time in the water and can bite. They are large, around two inches long, and will invade your home seeking moisture. 

giant water bug

Water Bug

To get rid of them try running a dehumidifier. In a worse case call a licensed pest control professional right away so that you don’t risk a bite.

#7. Beetles

Beetles are also common household bugs. Carpet beetles are particularly well-known in the city and will feed upon dried foods in your pantry.

dung beetle


They tend to hang out in areas that aren’t frequently trafficked, such as in the carpet or corners of your closet.

#8. Paper Wasps, Bees, and Other Stinging Insects

If you notice nests around the outside of your home, then chances are you have an infestation of a stinging insect.



These can be tough to differentiate between each other, but it’s important not to let a nest hang on your house for long.


When stung by one of these insects, you may experience reactions such as itching, swelling, and, in some people, extreme anaphylactic shock.

Control Exterminating Company


Contact a pest control company immediately if you suspect a stinging insect infestation, so that they can remove the nests before your family is put at risk.

What Do I Do If I’ve Found a Bug Infestation in My Home?

While you should first identify the pest that is invading your home, it can often be difficult to do so, mainly if you have limited experience in identifying and eliminating pests.

Instead of wasting time with ineffective DIY treatments, contact Control ExterminatingWe are one of the best pest control companies in New York City and have experience with all of the common house bugs found in the area.

We will work with you to develop a natural pest control solution that takes into account the prevention, elimination, and detecting how the pests entered your home in the first place.***

Other common NYC Pests

Mice and rats

Rodents are also one of the most common pests in NYC. Mice and rats look for food and shelter and the layout of the city with so many apartments close together make it an environment favorable for the rapid growth of their population.

To prevent a mouse infestation make sure all possible entry points into your home are sealed. Also, keep all of your food in tightly sealed containers. 

If you have a mouse infestation, you will likely notice their droppings. To get rid of them, you can set spring or sticky traps with a bit of bait.


Most rodents will leave greasy marks on the wall. You might also notice that your food packagings are gnawed.



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